Membership and Benefits
Why become a member?
As an educator at Mayo Clinic, you have committed to carrying on the rich tradition of sharing knowledge and expertise with others to improve patient care and advance the science of medicine. By becoming a member of the Academy, you will be able to:
- Hone your academic skills through access to the most timely and relevant faculty resources and development activities
- Advance your preparedness for academic promotion and competitiveness for education leadership roles
- Receive recognition for your endeavors as a highly accomplished educator
- Apply for Academy grants
- Participate in Academy-hosted events
- Network with a community of inter-professional educators
If you hold an education-related role within the institution and have received academic rank, we invite you to submit an application for membership in the Academy of Educational Excellence. Members receive additional access to:
- Funding opportunities
- Invitation-only events, workshops, and seminars
- Mentorship communities
- Recognition and awards
Members are recognized by receiving a certificate, lapel pin, and a letter of recognition. The Academy has more than 800 members. Review a list of current members.
Membership levels
Academy members that have long standing active participation in the education shield or been national leaders in health professions and science education as demonstrated by leadership roles, education-related innovations, and contributions to education scholarship.
Legacy members must meet 80 or more hours of education skill development or have a Ph.D./Ed.D. degree in education for criterion 1 and meet criteria for demonstrated excellence appropriate to the level for criterion 2.
Senior fellow
Academy members that have demonstrated a sustained and consistent commitment to health professions and science education through participation, leadership and facilitation of professional development, and active mentorship of junior faculty.
Senior Fellow members must meet 60 or more hours of education skill development or have a master’s degree in education for criterion 1 and meet criteria for demonstrated excellence appropriate to the level for criterion 2.
Academy members that have a sustained commitment to health professions and science education and progressive participation in activities to improve their knowledge and skills as an educator and education scholar.
Fellow members must meet 40 hours total of education skill development for criterion 1 and meet criteria for demonstrated excellence appropriate to the level for criterion 2.
Academy members that have an initial commitment to health professions and science education through participation in formal faculty development activities.
Associate members must meet 20 hours within the past five years of education skill development and meet criteria for demonstrated excellence appropriate to the level for criterion 2.
The Academy of Educational Excellence helps recognize and value teachers, leaders, and scholars for their contributions to education at Mayo Clinic. Being a member helps me feel like part of the broader Mayo education community.
Andrea Leep Hunderfund, M.D., M.H.P.E.
Senior fellow level member, assistant professor of neurology