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Articles and references
Interprofessional Partnerships: Identified challenges to collaborative practice and ways to resolve conflict; also defined/discussed Patient/Family Centered Care as it relates to a collaborative practice.
Team Competencies Education: Discusses the framework for Competency-Based Interprofessional Education, lists the team based competencies.
Four general competencies for interprofessional collaborative practice and the example behavioral expectations: Concise resource for IPEC competencies based on 2011 comprehensive document. Provides foundation for building competency behavior.
Introduction to Interprofessional Education: Provides an overview of IPE and introduces the IPEC core competencies.
Guide to Effective IPE Experiences in Nursing Education: Reinforces the WHO’s definition of IPE and IPCP and provides exemplars for didactic, simulated, clinical observation, and clinical practice IPE activities.
Performance Assessment Communication and Teamwork Tools Set (PACT): The PACT tools are designed to provide assessment feedback for learners, and evaluation information for program faculty.
Assessment of Interprofessional Team Collaboration Scale (AITCS): The AITCS is designed as a diagnostic instrument to evaluate the level of interprofessional collaboration among a variety of health care teams.
Interprofessional Professionalism Assessment (IPA): The Interprofessional Professionalism Assessment (IPA) instrument was designed to measure interprofessional professionalism (IPP).
For students and trainees
Mayo Clinic Employee Personas: Each persona includes specific information gathered from the interviewees, such as job description, daily workflow, attitudes about their work and their demographic information. This is a quick way to introduce students to other professions based on actual interviews of health professionals at Mayo Clinic. Sign-in required.
Interprofessional Education Frameworks
Four interprofessional education frameworks, including the IPEC Core Competencies, are summarized below.
Interprofessional Education Frameworks
Framework (source) | Origin, year published | Stimulus and background | Terminology used | Domains |
Interprofessional Capability Framework (Combined Universities Interprofessional Learning Unit) | United Kingdom, 2004 | To provide a more coherent, integrated, and patient-centered approach to modernizing the educational input for future health professionals; to promote teamwork, partnership, and collaboration between professionals and agencies, and with patients. | Capabilities |
National Interprofessional Competency Framework (Canadian Interprofessional Health Collaborative Working Group) | Canada, 2010 | To develop interprofessional collaboration for a national competency framework. | Competencies |
Core Competencies for Interprofessional Collaborative Practice (Interprofessional Education Collaborative Expert Panel) | United States, 2011 | To transform health professions education and address the need to build safer health care systems that are more patient-centered and community-oriented. | Competencies |
Interprofessional Capability Framework (Curtin University) | Australia, 2011 | To foster the capabilities needed to be a collaborative, practice-ready health professional, who can work effectively and efficiently in an interprofessional team and provide safe, high-quality service and care to clients, families, and communities. | Capabilities |