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Articles and references

Interprofessional Partnerships: Identified challenges to collaborative practice and ways to resolve conflict; also defined/discussed Patient/Family Centered Care as it relates to a collaborative practice.

Team Competencies Education: Discusses the framework for Competency-Based Interprofessional Education, lists the team based competencies.

Four general competencies for interprofessional collaborative practice and the example behavioral expectations: Concise resource for IPEC competencies based on 2011 comprehensive document. Provides foundation for building competency behavior.

Introduction to Interprofessional Education: Provides an overview of IPE and introduces the IPEC core competencies.

Guide to Effective IPE Experiences in Nursing Education: Reinforces the WHO’s definition of IPE and IPCP and provides exemplars for didactic, simulated, clinical observation, and clinical practice IPE activities.

Performance Assessment Communication and Teamwork Tools Set (PACT): The PACT tools are designed to provide assessment feedback for learners, and evaluation information for program faculty.

Assessment of Interprofessional Team Collaboration Scale (AITCS): The AITCS is designed as a diagnostic instrument to evaluate the level of interprofessional collaboration among a variety of health care teams.

Interprofessional Professionalism Assessment (IPA): The Interprofessional Professionalism Assessment (IPA) instrument was designed to measure interprofessional professionalism (IPP).

For students and trainees

Mayo Clinic Employee Personas: Each persona includes specific information gathered from the interviewees, such as job description, daily workflow, attitudes about their work and their demographic information. This is a quick way to introduce students to other professions based on actual interviews of health professionals at Mayo Clinic. Sign-in required.

Interprofessional Education Frameworks

Four interprofessional education frameworks, including the IPEC Core Competencies, are summarized below.

Interprofessional Education Frameworks

Framework (source) Origin, year published Stimulus and background Terminology used Domains
Interprofessional Capability Framework (Combined Universities Interprofessional Learning Unit) United Kingdom, 2004 To provide a more coherent, integrated, and patient-centered approach to modernizing the educational input for future health professionals; to promote teamwork, partnership, and collaboration between professionals and agencies, and with patients. Capabilities
  • Knowledge in practice
  • Ethical practice
  • Interprofessional working
  • Reflection (learning)
National Interprofessional Competency Framework (Canadian Interprofessional Health Collaborative Working Group) Canada, 2010 To develop interprofessional collaboration for a national competency framework. Competencies
  • Interprofessional communication
  • Patient-/client-centered care
  • Role clarification
  • Team functioning
  • Collaborative leadership
  • Interprofessional conflict resolution
Core Competencies for Interprofessional Collaborative Practice (Interprofessional Education Collaborative Expert Panel) United States, 2011 To transform health professions education and address the need to build safer health care systems that are more patient-centered and community-oriented. Competencies
  • Values and ethics
  • Roles and responsibilities
  • Interprofessional communication
  • Teamwork and team-based care
Interprofessional Capability Framework (Curtin University) Australia, 2011 To foster the capabilities needed to be a collaborative, practice-ready health professional, who can work effectively and efficiently in an interprofessional team and provide safe, high-quality service and care to clients, families, and communities. Capabilities
  • Communication
  • Team function
  • Role clarification
  • Conflict resolution
  • Reflection