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Program Evaluation and CQI

The Office of Evaluation plays a key role in helping the Mayo Clinic College of Medicine and Science develop strategic and systematic plans to continuously improve our schools and programs, monitor and track progress toward goals, and evaluate the impact of our initiatives. 

Recent milestones and outcomes

  • Created evaluation plans and implemented them across all schools
  • Supported the College’s Program Evaluation Steering Committee which meets quarterly and reviews and determines needs and priorities for program evaluation as well as accreditations
  • Supported evaluation and continuous improvement capacity-building among key staff at the school level
  • Maintained ongoing, close collaboration with Education Technology Center and Education Data Warehouse teams which are imperative for successful and ongoing program evaluation 

What we can do for you

OASES views evaluation as a collaborative undertaking. Our Evaluation team partners with college- and school-level stakeholders to identify program planning and evaluation goals and to jointly design plans that can be utilized for decision-making and for tracking the impact of educational programs and initiatives. 

We value the use of “mixed methods” (quantitative and qualitative approaches) to highlight the multi-faceted perspectives that are essential in designing effective program improvements. 

Our evaluation system can help you:

  • Clarify desired program outcomes
  • Design effective and efficient data collection methods and processes, including surveys, focus groups, and tracking systems
  • Assess the overall value, effectiveness, and impact of educational programs using qualitative and quantitative data collection methods
  • Ascertain how well the current program is meeting its goals and stakeholders' needs
  • Design and utilize data dashboards to track progress toward goals and to assist in decision-making
  • Understand how different student and/or faculty groups experience and respond to the learning environment
  • Identify program areas for improvement, replacement, or further development

Evaluation should play a key role in program planning, management, and improvement. Visit the catalog to access courses and resources for evaluation.

Connect with us

If you’d like to learn more about continuous improvement and program evaluation, contact Linda Scholl, Ph.D., at